Winter School 2021

The DRIVEN project organised its 2nd Winter School on the 26-29 January 2021. The event focused on topics relevant to manufacturing, mechanics and characterisation of advanced engineering materials. The winter school co-organised by the University of Luxembourg and the Bernal Institute at Limerick University proposed a 4-day programme fully virtual to ensure safe participation for the attendees.

The training programme dedicated to PhD students and young scientists attracted a total of 63 participants thanks to its mix format where participants could attend the presentations face-to-face or remotely via Webex. We also noticed the participation of experienced researchers as well as representatives from the industry, such as: Johnson and Johnson, AM 4 AM Sàrl and SISTO Armaturen S.A. The Winter school offered the following lectures and training to the participants:

  • Stephane  Bordas, UL, “Fracture across scales and time”
  • Jack Hale, UL, “A comparison of constitutive models for Styrene Butadiene rubber” 
  • Bernard Peters, UL, “Thermal Processing in Multiphase Environments”
  • Alvaro Estupinan, UL, “Discrete Element Methods Applied to Selective Laser processes in Additive Manufacturing”
  • Peter Plapper, UL, “Laser joining of dissimilar materials at”
  • Andreas Zilian, UL, “Modelling of concrete and cementitious materials”
  • Lars Beex, UL, “A random field with bounds and Bayesian identification of its parameters”
  • Li Chen, UL, “A quasicontinuum approach towards mechanical simulations of periodic lattic structures”
  • Eleni Koronaki, UL, “Numerical investigation, analysis and design of Chemical Vapor Deposition processes for the production of thin coatings”
  • Pascal Loew, SISTO Armaturen S.A., “Phase-field damage models for rubber seals”
  • Walter Stanley, ULIM, “Introduction to Composites”
  • Noel O’Dowd, ULIM, “Micromechanical modelling of composites”
  • Anthony Comer, ULIM, “Thermoset and Thermoplastic”
  • Ronan O’Higgins, ULIM, “Composites manufacturing”
  • Mark Hardiman, ULIM, “Composites characterization and testing”
  • Vincenzo Oliveri, ULIM, “Design, Manufacture and Testing of a composite wingbox, a case study”
  • Sigmar Lampe, UL, “Technology valorization and IP training”
  • Stefano Pozzi Mucelli, Luxinnovation, “On European grants & life after PhD”