On 12-13 February 2019, the University of Luxembourg organised the first H2020 DRIVEN workshop on Belval campus. For this first edition, Prof. Stéphane Bordas, as coordinator of the project, decided to scale-up the format to two days and invited numerous speakers from the twinning partnering organisations as well as local industrial actors and external academics.

The workshop consisted in two distinct sections:
- DRIVEN scientific workshop with presentations of the individual research projects from the University of Luxembourg’s staff and the latest research activities on-going at the University of Limerick, INRIA and UT Austin.
- Industrial workshop aiming to present the main industrial actors in Luxembourg in the field of data-driven simulation namely, Goodyear, CENAERO, E-Xstream, CERATIZIT, Sparc Industries and ROTAREX. In addition, the DRIVEN coordinator invited external academics from the Czech Technical University and ETH Zurich to complete the training programme and initiate future cooperation between the participants of the DRIVEN workshop.
The next DRIVEN workshop will be organised in Luxembourg on the 18-19 September 2019.