Amongst the different activities planned in the DRIVEN project, the organisation of bilateral staff exchanges between the University of Luxembourg and its Twinning partners is probably the most important to create long-term relationship with INRIA, the University of Limerick and UT Austin.

In November 2018, Dr. Xavier Besseron from the University of Luxembourg visited the University of Texas at Austin for three weeks. This is the very first ‘Staff Exchange’ that took place in the DRIVEN project and Dr. Besseron paved the way for more visits from and to UT Austin.

During his stay, Dr. Besseron visited the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES) and the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) where several discussions and seminars were organised on topics such as:
- Presentation of BLIS, a dense linear algebra library similar to BLAS
- Training on the FLAME method and framework for automatic parallelization of dense linear algebra algorithms
- Exchange of knowledge on libraries used for simulations and HPC usage
- Parallel Coupling of CFD-DEM
- etc.

Dr. Besseron’s visit to UT Austin coincides with the SuperComputing SC’18 conference, the top-rated international conference in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC) and large scale numerical simulations. In addition to the keynote talks and networking events, he had the opportunity to attend tutorials on “Node-Level Performance Engineering”, ‘Mastering Tasking with OpenMP” and “High Performance I/O Frameworks”.