The overall aim of the DRIVEN project was to boost the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in data-driven simulation of the Computational Sciences interdisciplinary group at the University of Luxembourg. The Twinning activities benefited the University of Luxembourg but also the other consortium partners. The project had a positive impact on numerous  industrial sectors in Luxembourg and in Europe such as Materials, Space Technology and Automotive.


The partners implemented a research and innovation strategy focused on three sub-topics:

1. Mathematical foundations for data-driven simulations (University of Luxembourg and UT Austin)

  • Geometry & Discretization
  • Solution & Error Control
  • Inverse Problems & Data Assimilation

2. Data-driven simulations for computer-assisted therapy (University of Luxembourg and Inria)

  • Patient-specific organ discretizations
  • Inverse problems
  • Reduced Order Modelling

3. Data-driven simulations for functional composite materials (University of Luxembourg and ULIM)

  • Multi-scale simulations for heterogeneous materials
  • Experimental techniques for material characterisation and monitoring


The partners produced the following research publications during the course of the project: